Check out what my teammates are saying

“In short, Kate is amazing! She is a great team player, really quick at understanding what needs to get done and then focusing on that… Even in situations where objectives were opaque, Kate could manage to deliver.”

- Patrick Bolger, Senior Director of Marketing
Atlas (formerly, Elements Global Services)

“Kate made herself indispensable by taking on and executing multiple projects for a variety of people, and doing it all with grace and patience. She proved herself to be resourceful, thoughtful, thorough, and organized. She always seemed unflappable, even in the midst of tight deadlines and in the face of highprofile members of the community.”

- Rachel Tibbetts, VP of Operations
Raise the Future

“Not only did Kate excel at the tasks assigned to her, but she actively sought out opportunities to help other departments. By doing this, she was able to speed up the process of several projects for her coworkers.”

- Dom Sambucci, President
Futura Mobility

“You jumped head-first into your internship and hit the ground running, and you really took ownership over your projects without a ton of direction or guidance. You were able to identify how best to help out from the get-go, and then you pursued those self-identified projects and worked them into your regular work schedule. That is so super impressive!”

- Jenn Kloc, Marketing Manager

“Kate’s dependability, time-management and communication skills make her a pleasure to work with. I am more than confident that Kate will excel in anything that’s thrown her way.”

- Molly Dupuis, Alumni Relations Coordinator
GlobaLinks Learning Abroad

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